Thursday, November 29, 2012

Do Schools Kill Creativity? - Sir Ken Robinson

3 things that I agreed with:

  • Education takes us into a future that we can't grasp.
    • Education needs to be designed, not based on societies past needs, but on our present and future needs.
  • A willingness to make mistakes is essential for creativity.
    • Blazing your own trail is a risk.
  • Intelligence is diverse and dynamic. 
    • There are so many ways to define intelligence, especially in our modern world.
2 things that surprised me:
  • The fact that school were designed originally to provide workers for the industrial revolution.
    • I had known this, but the ramifications of this fact had never occurred to me before seeing the video.
  • The fact that in every educational system there is a hierarchy of subjects and that the arts always are at the bottom.
    • This was very surprising, especially the fact that this is a global phenomena.
1 thing that I disagreed with:

"Creativity is as important as literacy."

For students, this will depend on what type of job you are trying to get. Just as not every job requires the same amount of literacy, not every job requires the same amount of creativity.

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