Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Teaching creatively

1. Read the Introduction. What "dominant paradigm" is showing signs of wear?

The idea that knowledge comes only from a teacher or a book is beginning to show wear. We are learning that students need to learn how to learn, not just memorize facts.

2. According to the research, how does Project-Based Learning support student learning better than traditional approaches? Describe three benefits and cite the studies.

Project-Based Learning helps students to better learn material, apply new knowledge to other situations, and have more confidence about learning than students who learn using traditional techniques (Barron). 

3.  According to the research, how does Problem-Based Learning support student learning better than traditional approaches? Describe three benefits and cite the studies.

Problem-Based Learning helps students to learn how to apply knowledge learned in school to problems they will face in the workforce. They are also able to form better hypotheses and form better explanations (Barron).

4.  According to the research, how does Learning by Design support student learning better than traditional approaches? Describe three benefits and cite the studies.

Learning by Design helps students to learn material more deeply and think creatively.

5. What are the differences between the three approaches?

These three approaches are different in what they require students to do. In Project-Based students are required to do something, in Problem-based they propose solutions to a problem or issue. In Learning by design they create and design an artifact. 

6. In your opinion, what is the most important benefit to learning that is common across the three types of inquiry-based learning approaches? 

The most important benefit is that students are the ones that are primarily responsible for gaining knowledge, learning, and creating with the language. (2003, August 01). Retrieved from

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